RK Clubhouse » Zach


Zach First Name: Zach
City: Huntington Beach
State: CA
Age : 9

I am a Ripple Kid because: I organized a beach cleanup

Here's how I'm taking action in my community: I like to surf and hang out at the beach and one day my friend stepped on a broken bottle and had to get 5 stitches in his foot. I decided it was time to do something about it.

Here's how I got the idea: I like the beach, and I was tired of all the trash.

These are the steps I took:

  1. I asked my dad for help
  2. I planned the date, location and time
  3. I asked my teacher if we could make an announcement at school
  4. We made posters to put around the school and at local businesses
  5. My dad sent an email to all of his friends
  6. I asked the local hardware store to donate trash bags and gloves
  7. I asked a local store close to where we were doing the clean up to donate drinks and snacks
  8. We got there early and met the volunteers
  9. We loaded up my dad's truck with trash bags and took them to the dump
  10. We sent out an email and made an announcement at school with the results
Here are some of the results:
(Give us some numbers like - you washed 4 cars, you raised $75, you made 3 people smile) We collected over 13 huge bags of trash and had over 30 volunteers

These are the people who volunteer with me (check all that apply):

__I work alone
_X_My family
_X_My friends
__A group (please tell us who they are): my school

One of the coolest things that happened during my project was: People just walking by saw us and joined in - It was the ripple effect!

One of the most important things I learned was: if we see something wrong, we don't have to just sit there - we can actually do something about it.