Trinity Stop Hunger NOW 

6.00 hours$3750.00 raised

Posted by: Pixyjo4

Here's how we're taking action in our community:

We are raising money for something that helps hungry people. We were also packing food for the Hungry.

Here's how we got the idea:

My mom told me we can volunteer to pack meals, and "Were going at 9:00 to Trinity." I said " What for?" Mom said "Stop Hunger Now." "Oh."

These are the steps we took:

Step 1: I collected money for my school.Step 2: I made a colorful poster. Step 3: We gave the money collected on October 30th. Step 4: Mom suggested I work for stop hunger now. Step 5: At Trinity we packed meals thats all the steps.

Here are some of the results:

We helped raised like at least 200 dollars. Mom gave me some money to put in the jar for Stop Hunger Now. We packed 15,000 meals during a 2 hour shift at Trinity.

These are the people who volunteered with me:

My friends, My family, An organization

One of the coolest things that happened during my project was:

Every time we packed 1,000 meals, some kid would hit a gong.I hit the gong at 11,000 meals : Heinz donated thousands of Vitamin packs to supplement their meals!

One of the most important things I learned was:

I should help out on missions to stop Hunger or stop the people who die of hunger. I learned that 25,000 people die from hunger and hunger related diseases in the world everyday.