Ripple fair 

3.00 hours$102.00 raised

Posted by: Rayofsunshine

Here's how we're taking action in our community:

Raising money for my buddy Ethan Posner. Putting a new library in choc hospital

Here's how we got the idea:

My friend Ethan has leukemia. He started Ethan's choco books. He loves books and wants all kids in the hospital to read some of his favorites.

These are the steps we took:

Made glitter calming jars and essential oil roller balls to sell at ripple kids fair at arroyo

Here are some of the results:

I raised $102.00

These are the people who volunteered with me:

I work alone

One of the coolest things that happened during my project was:

I SOLDOUT in 45 minutes

One of the most important things I learned was:

Giving to my community