Beach cleanup with Surfrider Foundation 

1.50 hours

Posted by: Dragon girl

Here's how we're taking action in our community:

I participated in the Huntington Beach Surfrider Foundation beach cleanup.

Here's how we got the idea:

Since I had fun helping out with the last Surfrider beach cleanup I decided to help out again.

These are the steps we took:

We met with the volunteers at the Surfrider booth on the beach and brought our trash buckets and gloves.

Here are some of the results:

We collected 2 pounds of trash. That included 20 cigarette butts!

These are the people who volunteered with me:

My friends, My family

One of the coolest things that happened during my project was:

I saw a crow digging in the sand looking for food and he dug up a wrapper. He was picking up trash, too!

One of the most important things I learned was:

I already knew smoking was bad, but throwing down cigarette butts is double bad.