Ripple Kids at My School 

25.00 hours

Posted by: bronzegirl9

Here's how we're taking action in our community:

I am taking action in my community by starting Ripple Kids at my School to give other students the chance to make a difference in their community.

Here's how we got the idea:

I went with my mom to a Girl Scout Leader meeting at Loma Vista Elementary and saw their Ripple Kid board with pictures of Ripple kids. In the picture i saw my brothers friend from Cub Scouts and found out that he donated bags of dog food to the animal shelter. I thought it was great that he was able to do something like that so i asked my mom if she could help me get Ripple Kids started at my school.

These are the steps we took:

My mom and i filled out the School Recognition form online. Ripple Kids emailed us tons of information on how to get started. I looked over the materials and got the information ready to talk to my school Principal and PFO President. They loved the idea and gave me the money to get it started on campus. I got my team together and worked on information on how we wanted to start Ripple Kids at my school. The PFO gave me an area in their room with computers and our own filling cabinet to work on Ripple Kid projects and allowed Ripple Kids to meet on campus after school to organize school wide projects and help students with their ideas. I ordered Ripple Kid dog tags as a reward for students who complete projects. My team and i are working on our back to school night table and hope to get more kids interested on campus so we can help them with their projects.

Here are some of the results:

John Muir Fundamental is now a Ripple Kids school. My team and i are working on 3 school wide take action projects for the year and I hope that many students on campus will start to complete take action projects of their own.

These are the people who volunteered with me:

My family

One of the coolest things that happened during my project was:

The coolest thing that happen during my project was meeting the CEO of Ripple Kids and getting a space in the school set up.

One of the most important things I learned was:

I can do anything i put my mind to.