
45.00 hours$318.50 raised

Posted by: 0524924

Here's how we're taking action in our community:

I am taking action in my school to get aware about helping children by teaching hip hop.
They help children in needs and raise great dancers.

Here's how we got the idea:

I will raise money to donate cultureshockLA, so they can use to teach more children.

These are the steps we took:

I studies their website and talked with a stuff to learn about the organization.
I thought about something I can raise money for.
I also wanted the thing can be created with their organization name cultureshockLA.
Since my family is Japanese, I thought about making Japanese craft of origami which represents Japanese culture, good luck, and long life. It is the product idea to sell at school bazar.

Here are some of the results:

I made 150 Origami cranes and made 105 ornaments and I sold most of them ended up raising $318.50.

These are the people who volunteered with me:

My friends, My family

One of the coolest things that happened during my project was:

Many people talked me how the cause was great and they also commented my cranes were so beautifully made.
My friend who came my house saw me working on my project helped me to make some cranes and bought a crane from me.
The greatest thing of all was I leaned that so many people wants to help other people.
I thought it was really encouraging.

One of the most important things I learned was:

I learned that we have to keep leaning new things and talking with other people.