Ripple Kids

Vampire tooth brushes 

36.00 hours$132.00 raised

Posted by: sabeen

Here's how we're taking action in our community:

We are selling a tooth brush that is attached to vampire teeth for students and parents in my school -Arroyo Elementary School . We are collecting money to replace all the grass in our school with different kinds of plants that takes less water
We are trying To save our school from the effect of the drought, and increase the awareness about California drought by finding new ways like planting cactus and California native plants instead of grass and seasonal flowers .
This is a first step to save water and money at and same time .

Here's how we got the idea:

It did not rain for six months and the drought was crawling to the play ground in the park
My dad was complaining about the water
I thought that the first step of every problem is to diagnose it, address it, then try to find serious ways to solve
My day suggested making some changes and that when I thought it always begins with us
We have to change the ways we deal with environment and start to implement better ideas, and that what I did.
I found a new idea to save wasting water in my schools and save some money as well.

These are the steps we took:

Step one : thinking of the best idea for changing the grass with less water needy plants.
Step 2: getting the tooth brushes from Mesa Dental Center
Step 3: gluing the vampire teeth to the tooth brushes to make a better deal for kids and parents to buy
Step 4: getting a booth and permission from my school to sell the tooth brushes
Step 5: selling Vampire tooth brushes with a smile
Step 5 : donating the money to the school to buy the new plants.

Here are some of the results:

My friend Kaylen, my sister Amy khatib and her brother Ian and my parents
They all helped me in selling the vampire teeth through 3 days we made $ 132
I had a lot of fun running around and telling people how their small help will make a big difference in my school

These are the people who volunteered with me:

My friends, My family, An organization

One of the coolest things that happened during my project was:

Spending time with my friends and leading them to do some thing helpful and new

One of the most important things I learned was:

We always have to work on finding new idea to help our world
Environment needs us exactly like we need it
Knowing the problem is just the first step but most important is to try to solve it

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